GEOTREF project poster
The European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU) 2017 was held from 23 to 28 April 2017 in Vienna, Austria. This year, the largest European congress about Geosciences was attended by 14496 scientists from 107 different countries, during 4849 oral presentations, 11312 posters and 1238 PICO (Presenting Interactive COntent). The GEOTREF project was represented by communications in the form of posters and oral presentations.
Two members of the GEOTREF project participated in the organization of sessions:
- Jérôme Fortin (ENS): Session EMRP1.1/ERE1.10/GI3.15. Evaluation of coupled reservoir processes: laboratory experiments and numerical modeling.
Jérôme Fortin (ENS): Session ERE1.4/EMRP4.40/TS2.6. Fracture, mechanics and flow in tight reservoirs.
- Yves Géraud (GeoRessources): Session ERE3.4. Conventional and unconventional geothermal resources: Advances in integrated approaches for exploration and monitoring.
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