The fifth GEOTREF PhD has been defended by Jeanne Mercier de Lépinay at 2 pm, the 29th April 2019, in the Institut de Physique du Globe de Strasbourg: Geothermal Energy: Magnetic Acquisitions and interpretations for geothermal exploration in Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles.
Category Archives: News
2018 December 11 4th GEOTREF PhD defense
La soutenance de thèse de Claire Anjou est officiellement annoncée
L’énergie géothermique :
représentations, enseignements et contextes aux Antilles et dans la zone caraïbe
RDV le 11 décembre 2018 à 9 h 00
dans le Grand Amphithéatre de l’ESPE de Guadeloupe
The fourth GEOTREF PhD has been defended by Claire Anjou at 9 am, the 11th December 2018, in the Ecole Supérieure du Professorat et de l’Education of Guadeloupe: Geothermal Energy: Representations, Teaching and Contexts in the Antilles and in the Caribbean area.
2018 October 31 3rd GEOTREF PhD defense
The third GEOTREF PhD has been defended by Viven Navelot at 2 pm, the 31st October 2018, in the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Géologie de Nancy: Structural and petrophysical characterization of a geothermal system in a volcanic subduction arc context. Example of the Guadeloupe archipelago.
Geothermal systems located on active volcanic islands lying above subduction areas are increasingly being prospected and exploited as they represent significant, renewable and accessible energy resources with relatively low operating costs. The Basse-Terre Island in the Guadeloupe archipelago and more precisely the Vieux-Habitants area gathers several indicators allowing to suppose the occurrence of a high-temperature hydrothermal system.
2018 September 28 2nd GEOTREF PhD defense
The second GEOTREF PhD has been defended by Keurfon Luu on septembre 2018 at 2 pm, the 28th September, in the Ecole des Mines de Paris : Numerical optimization using stochastic evolutionary algorithms: application to seismic tomography inverse problems.
Seismic traveltime tomography is an ill-posed optimization problem due to the non-linear relationship between traveltime and velocity model. Besides, the solution is not unique as many models are able to explain the observed data. The non-linearity and non-uniqueness issues are typically addressed by using methods relying on Monte Carlo Markov Chain that thoroughly sample the model parameter space. However, these approaches cannot fully handle the computer resources provided by modern supercomputers.
2018 October 22-26 26th RST
GEOTREF will be represented in Lille, Francia with 3 oral communications on Thursday the 25th, October, in the morning, in the session 15:3 Geothermal energy.
Characterization of an exhumed high temperature paleo-geothermal reservoir by clay minerals and secondary phases identifications in Terre-de-Haut island (Les Saintes archipelago, Guadeloupe).
Beauchamps G.1; Ledésert B.1; Ronan H.1; Bourdelle F.2; Dubois M.2
1. Geosciences Environnement Cergy, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France.
2. Laboratoire de Génie Civil et géo-Environnement, Université de Lille, France.
L’étude de paléo-réservoirs exhumés dans les Petites Antilles : vers une meilleure compréhension des réservoirs géothermaux profonds en contexte d’arc volcanique.
Favier A.1; Vérati C.1; Corsini M.1; Lardeaux J.M.1; Münch Ph.2
1. Géoazur, Université de Nice, France.
2. Géosciences Montpellier, France.
Caractérisation des propriétés réservoirs de roches volcaniques appliquée au projet de géothermie GEOTREF sur Basse – Terre de Guadeloupe.
Azzimani Y.1
1. Geosciences Environnement Cergy, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France.
Publication of a GEOTREF article in Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
Publication of a GEOTREF article in Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
Petrophysical properties of volcanic rocks and impacts of hydrothermal alteration in the Guadeloupe Archipelago (West Indies).
Navelot V.1; Géraud Y.1; Favier A.2,3; Diraison M.1; Corsini M.2;Lardeaux J.M.2; Veraty C.2; Mercier de Lépinay J.4; Legendre L.3; Beauchamps G.5
1. GeoRessources, Nancy, France.
2. GéoAzur, Nice – Sophia Antipolis, France.
3. Université des Antilles, pôle Guadeloupe, France.
4. IPGS, Strasbourg, France.
5. GEC – université de Cergy-Pontoise, France.
SPE Europec featured at 80th EAGE Annual Conference

@ 80th EAGE Annual Conference
KIDOVA represented GEOTREF project with the oral communication: Testing and Improvement of Well Layout Optimisation Methods for Geothermal Reservoir Production.
Minjie Lu1, 2; Deborah Siffert1; Jean-Baptiste Mathieu1; Michel H. Garcia1; Olivier Gosselin2
1. KIDOVA France.
2. Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London.
CMWR 2018 Bridging gaps between data, models, and prediction

XXIInd Congress to Saint Malo
The XXIInd Congress congrès international bisannuel de Computational Methods in Water Resources was held from 3 to 7 june 2018 in St-Malo, France.
The GEOTREF project was represented by two oral commnications.
IMFT (*): in the session 13-Intensive Flow and transport modelling in fractured porous media: state of the art and actual challenges, presented Fast Upscaling of the Hydraulic Conductivity of 3D Fractured Porous Rock for Geothermal Reservoir Modeling.
Armines (**): in the session 01-Advances in Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) models, presented An attempt to generate physically-based DFN for coupled hydro-mechanical simulation.
(*) Rachid Ababou (1), Tawfik Rajeh (1), Manuel Marcoux(1), Israel Cañamón Valera (2)
(1) Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse (Université de Toulouse),
2 Allée du professeur Camille Soula, 31400 Toulouse, France
(2) ETSI de Minas y EnergÃa, Departamento de IngenierÃa Geológica y Minera (Universidad
Politécnica de Madrid), C./ RÃos Rosas 21, 28003 Madrid (Spain)
(**) Dominique Bruel,
MINES ParisTech, PSL Research University, Centre de Geosciences, 35 rue St Honoré, 77300 Fontainebleau, France
Third GEOTREF scientific workshop
The third GEOTREF scientific workshop was held on 20-21 March 2018 in the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris (see program). More than 40 scientists and engineers attended the two-day workshop to present their work and discuss results and interpretations related to the Demonstrator of Guadeloupe.